Built on a foundation of excellent customer service

We butcher on Wednesdays. We will work with you to schedule your home raised animals for your convenience, and then help you plan your cutting order to your exact specifications.
We butcher beef, hogs, sheep, goats, buffalo and elk, and offer wrapping/ packaging styles to fit your tastes and meet your needs.

Extra hanging time, carcass data, weighing individual cuts, and total yield can be accommodated as well.

Pricing List

Current Pricing effective 2-2-2022

Item Price
Kill Fee for Beef up to 800 lbs $75
Kill Fee for Beef over 800 lbs $.15/lb
Kill & Disposal Fee for Hogs $65
Kill & Disposal Fee for Elk/ Buffalo $75
Disposal Fee $25
Processing fee $1.00/lb HCW
Split Side $25 per order
Grinding and packaging (beef) $.50/lb
Grinding and packaging (pork) $.30/lb
Sausage $.45/lb
Curing & Smoking $1.25/lb Trimmed Weight
Fajita / Jerky Strips/ Stew Meat $1.25/lb
Patties (10 lb min.) $1.25/lb
Link sausage (10 lb min.) $1.25/lb per order
Tenderizing $1.25/lb
Vacuum Package Ground $.95/lb
*Fees for other services may apply.
Prices subject to change.
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